

Sarasota County provides an idyllic backdrop for its thriving Tech sector. With a plethora of cultural amenities, top-tier education systems, and a desirable climate, Sarasota County offers the ideal environment for nurturing the next generation of technology innovators.

A Spirit of Innovation

Florida is at the forefront of innovation in the technology sector. Floridians understand the undeniable link between innovation and business. In Sarasota County, we are harnessing innovation and the state’s strong entrepreneurial spirit to build one of the nation’s leading creative hubs.
In 2019, State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota won a 3.6 million dollar grant to support a regional initiative including a premiere training facility to develop software developers, cybersecurity technicians, and cloud architects. The Coding Academy has partnered with influential industry leaders to determine the key technical skills needed in today’s everchanging and ever-growing workforce. As business thrive in Sarasota County, the resources at the Coding Academy are crucial. In addition to having flexible and fast training, the Coding Academy offers cutting edge tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, mixed reality labs, and humanoid robots used to develop machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
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Invest in Sarasota County

The EDC of Sarasota County diversifies our local economy and helps create jobs for Floridians. Investing in the EDC empowers us to grow our economy and attract more business to our region.

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