
Sarasota County School District has earned an A grade for the 18th consecutive year

Sarasota County Schools

The Sarasota County School District has earned an A grade by the state of Florida for the 18th consecutive year since grading began in 2004. Sarasota County Schools remains one of only two districts in the state to maintain an A rating.  

Pursuant to Florida Department of Education (FDOE) Emergency Order No. 2021-EO-02, school districts and charter school governing boards were provided the flexibility to opt in to have their school grade or school improvement rating officially recorded and reported for all statutory purposes. To be eligible to apply for a school grade, a school must have tested 90 percent or more of its eligible students in the 2020-21 academic year. Schools that did not opt-in, or did not meet eligibility requirements, did not receive a school grade or school improvement rating for the 2020-21 school year. Sarasota was one of 7 school districts in the state to receive an A grade. 

Learn more about School Grades https://www.fldoe.org/accountability/accountability-reporting/school-grades/