
HQ & Financial Professional Services

Sarasota County attracts some of the nation’s best in the Financial/Professional Services sector. Nearly 7,500 companies represent this sector in Sarasota County, employing over 25,000 in Sarasota County and over 53,000 in the Suncoast region and we’re still growing.

Sarasota County is Great for Business

We’ll Give it to You Straight


Best State for Business


Workforce Training in the U.S.

5th Best

Tax Climate for Business in the U.S.


Personal Income Tax

FCCI was founded in Sarasota, Florida in 1959. It was started as a self-insurance fund by a group of local business owners who wanted to save money on the cost of workers’ compensation insurance. now has over 500 employees at it’s Sarasota headquarters. The company serves over 20 states and has $2.5 Billion in assets. Watch their video to learn more about this successful Sarasota County-base corporate headquarters.

Sarasota County-Based Companies

EDC investors header

Invest in Sarasota County

The EDC of Sarasota County diversifies our local economy and helps create jobs for Floridians. Investing in the EDC empowers us to grow our economy and attract more business to our region.

Financial Services

The wealth concentrated in Sarasota County has made the financial services sector a strong part of the economy. The sector has rebounded strongly since the recession and today employs more than 9,000 people in financial services.
EDC sarasota

Professional Services

Companies providing professional and financial services employ 25,000+ people in Sarasota County. Here are just a few of the businesses that have relocated or grown here.