
Continuity Planning

A key element of running a successful business is planning for the unknown. In the case of a disaster or emergency the EDC wants your business to endure minimal interruption.

Are You Prepared?

A well communicated continuity plan will help your business resume operations sooner in the case of interruption. This guide should serve as the starting point for your business preparations. Here, you will find resources that we believe are best for our Sarasota County businesses.


Sign up for CodeRed

A free, secure, advanced and effective emergency system that allows you to receive calls, email alerts or text messages about events that could impact your business and home. To learn more, call the Sarasota County Contact Center (941)861-5000.
  • Water or sewer interruption
  • Missing person alerts
  • Major traffic detours
  • Severe weather warnings

NOAA Extreme Weather Information

NCEI created these sheets to help coastal residents of states and the two US territories that are particularly at risk from tropical storms and hurricanes. Use the county, state, and national databases to search for phone numbers and websites.


Hosted by the Department of Homeland Security. A collection of toolkits for any kind of emergency. Toolkits offer business leaders a step-by-step guide to build preparedness within an organization. Each toolkit contains the following sections
  • Identify Your Risk
  • Develop A Plan
  • Take Action
  • Be Recognized and Inspire Others


A partnership between the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and the Florida Division of Emergency Management (DEM). Florida’s emergency response team is ready to help Florida’s private sector before, during and after the storm.

FEMA: Preparedness Checklists & Toolkits

This site offers resources for businesses and organizations to perform self-assessment with an eye toward improving preparedness. It provides information on external preparedness checklists and toolkits, the hyperlinks to these resources, and the name of the source organization.

IRS: Preparing for a Disaster

The Internal Revenue Service encourages taxpayers to safeguard their records. Some simple steps can help taxpayers and businesses protect financial and tax records in case of disasters.

U.S. Small Business Administration: Prepare for Emergencies

Smart planning can help you keep your business running if disaster strikes. You’ll want to take the right steps to prevent and prepare for disaster. Here you’ll find specific disaster checklists and tips. Also resources where to get aid if disaster strikes.

SCORE: Small Business Disaster Preparedness

Connect with a free mentor to get customized, one-on-one advice for your disaster planning and business continuity questions. The site offers a variety of free resources to help your business prepare for natural disasters and build a more resilient community.


FEMA: Disaster Financial Assistance

After the storm, to find help for your immediate needs, please enter an address to get a list of the closest FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs)
Phone: (800) 621-FEMA (3362)

SBA: Disaster Loan Assistance

Low-interest disaster loans to businesses of all sizes, private non-profit organizations, homeowners, and renters. SBA disaster loans can be used to repair or replace the following items damaged or destroyed in a declared disaster: real estate, personal property, machinery and equipment, and inventory and business assets.

Phone: (800) 659-2955

IRS: Tax Relief: Providentially Declared Disaster Areas

IRS will waive tax penalties on disasters on a case by case basis.
Phone: (800) 829-1040

We’re Here for You

Before, during and after an emergency; the EDC is here to help you get back up and running. Contact us at the first sign of disruption, info@edcsarasotacounty.com and (941)309-1200.